SEDEX SMETA Certification

IndoCan Honey is SMETA approved unit.

SMETA (SEDEX Members Ethical Trade Audit) is a methodology for auditing the ethical, social, and environmental performance of suppliers. SMETA was developed by SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange) and is now widely used by companies around the world. The SMETA audit covers a wide range of topics, including labour standards, health and safety, environmental performance, and business ethics. The SMETA audit is based on a set of ethical trade principles, including the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Code, and the International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions.

SEDEX SMETA audits are available in two versions: SMETA 2 Pillar and SMETA 4 Pillar.

SMETA 4 Pillar Audit:

  • Labour Standards: This parameter covers areas such as working hours, wages, discrimination, child labour, and forced labour. The auditor will assess whether the supplier is complying with national and international labour laws and regulations.
  • Health and Safety: This parameter covers areas such as workplace safety, emergency preparedness, and employee access to health care. The auditor will assess whether the supplier has appropriate health and safety policies and procedures in place.
  • Environmental Performance: This parameter covers areas such as waste management, water use, energy use, and greenhouse gas emissions. The auditor will assess whether the supplier is complying with relevant environmental laws and regulations.
  • Business Ethics: This parameter covers areas such as corruption, bribery, and human rights. The auditor will assess whether the supplier has appropriate policies and procedures in