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IndoCan Honey Offering
At IndoCan, honey is derived from the blossoms of different flora resulting in varied aroma, taste as well as some special characteristics. We offer various varieties of honey, depending on the flower and location of beehives, as listed below.

Multiflora Honey
Multiflora honey is sourced from variety of flowers of Kashmir and Himachal. In colour it ranges from White to Amber. It has mild aroma, pleasant flavour and high medicinal value. It is a great immune builder along with being fortified with natural vitamins, minerals and enzymes that promotes healthy skin, fights indigestion, treats acne and prevent premature ageing

Acacia Honey
Acacia Honey is mild, sweet floral flavour of Acacia blossom and therefore, one of the most popular honey varieties. With hints of vanilla flavour, Acacia honey is colourless to White colour. It is extremely heavy bodied and savoured with many beverages as it sweetens without changing the taste of the drink and also used extensively for cooking purposes.

Eucalyptus Honey
Eucalyptus/Blossom Honey is sourced from age old trees of ‘Eucalyptus’. In colour, it ranges from Extra Light Amber to Amber. Eucalyptus honey possesses dense texture with strong aroma and flavour. Eucalyptus honey brings bundle of health benefits for it being anti-inflammatory, decongestant, antiseptic and stress reliever, perfect for muscle & joint pain and effective against cough.

Forest Honey
Forest honey is collected from tropical forests of Jharkhand and Bengal. It is rich in aroma, darker in colour - Extra Light Amber to Amber. . It remains liquid for a long time and Crystallizes rarely. It is fortified with healthy elements like vitamin C, vitamin B2, B3, B5 and B6, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and zinc that plays vital role in the overall wellbeing of human body.

Sidr (Jujube) Honey
Sidr honey is sourced from the nectar of Sidr trees, one of the oldest trees mentioned in the Holy Quran. Sidr honey is known for its healing benefits like sunburns, bedsores, surgical cuts and is characterized by golden light colour – Extra Light Amber to Amber. It is well bodied, possesses an exquisite taste, splendid aroma and has religious importance as well in Muslim community.

Lychee Honey
Lychee honey is originated from nectar well fructified from ‘Lychee orchards’ of Muzzafarpur’s fertile terai land. It has pleasant aroma and delicious flavour. In colour, it ranges from White to Extra Light Amber and is a great source of vitamins, minerals, fibre and protein. It is a natural antibacterial that helps in preventing skin problems, premature ageing, asthma and growth of ulcers.

Mustard (Rapeseed) Honey
Mustard Honey also known as Rapeseed Honey is derived from bright yellow flowers of mustard crop. It has colour ranging from White to Light Amber and is one of the most important spring sources, representing a very pure unifloral honey. It has fresh fruit aroma with low sweetness, fine-crystalline texture and low acid content. It is commonly used in bakery and cosmetic industry.

Karanj Honey
The source flora of Karanj Honey is Pongamia Pinnata plant. It has distinctive aroma and taste typical of the flower. The colour ranges between Extra Light to Light Amber. It is useful as the best natural antiseptic and antibiotic. Karanj Honey protects from skin diseases, digestive disorders, fever etc. It has low amount of pollen. The colour of honey is extra light to light amber.
Benefits Of Honey
Natural Energy Booster
The natural sugar present in honey instantly provides healthy calories and energy to fight fatigue in human body. It is a healthy option for people having frequent urge for eating sweets.
Stress under control
Honey is a balanced source of glucose and fructose that helps to relax muscle and to improve endurance levels. Honey is a good source of vital enzymes, vitamins and antioxidants important for better health.
Diabetes under control
Honey is a natural sweetener with low hypoglycaemic index which helps to control Type 1 diabetes and as it is sweeter than regular sugar, it is used in less quantity.
Antiseptic, Antibacterial, Antimicrobial
Since ages Ayurveda has supported the fact of honey as a healing agent wherein honey curtails infections in wounds and cut. It promotes fast healing and reduces odour and pain.
Beauty Enhancer
Honey is an absolute solution to several skin problems including scars, dark circles, eczema and acne. Honey helps to moisturize and nourish the skin cells.
Treats cough and cold
Honey is antibacterial and it helps to curb bacteria causing infection. Honey taken with holy basil, ginger and turmeric can help fight common cold and cough and enhance sleep.
Prevents cancer & heart disorders
Honey is a good source of flavonoids and antioxidants, The two important natural substances that helps to control free radicals causing certain types of cancers & heart disorders.
Treats gastrointestinal disorders
Studies reveal that honey can help in treating ulcers and in curbing bacteria causing gastroenteritis.

Natural Energy Booster
The natural sugar present in honey instantly provides healthy calories and energy to fight fatigue in human body. It is a healthy option for people having frequent urge for eating sweets.

Stress under control
Honey is a balanced source of glucose and fructose that helps to relax muscle and to improve endurance levels. Honey is a good source of vital enzymes, vitamins and antioxidants important for better health.

Diabetes under control
Honey is a natural sweetener with low hypoglycaemic index which helps to control Type 1 diabetes and as it is sweeter than regular sugar, it is used in less quantity.

Antiseptic, Antibacterial, Antimicrobial
Since ages Ayurveda has supported the fact of honey as a healing agent wherein honey curtails infections in wounds and cut. It promotes fast healing and reduces odour and pain.

Beauty Enhancer
Honey is an absolute solution to several skin problems including scars, dark circles, eczema and acne. Honey helps to moisturize and nourish the skin cells.

Treats cough and cold
Honey is antibacterial and it helps to curb bacteria causing infection. Honey taken with holy basil, ginger and turmeric can help fight common cold and cough and enhance sleep.

Prevents cancer & heart disorders
Honey is a good source of flavonoids and antioxidants, The two important natural substances that helps to control free radicals causing certain types of cancers & heart disorders.

Treats gastrointestinal disorders
Studies reveal that honey can help in treating ulcers and in curbing bacteria causing gastroenteritis.